Enrichment Program
Our Enrichment Program is designed for current students ages 2 to 6 who are enrolled in one of the language classes. This program is offered daily and serves as a valuable supplement to our core language classes, allowing children to engage in activities that reinforce their learning in the target language.
Early Arrival: This program runs each morning from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM. Breakfast will be provided for students arriving before 8:10 AM.
Enrichment: While our Early Year and Preschool students are in their language classes, our Pre-K students will participate in Enrichment care from 9:00am-12:00pm.
Lunch Care: Lunch care runs from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. Children can bring a lunch from home to enjoy with their classmates or we have a hot lunch option. For an additional fee your child can receive a catered HyVee lunch.
Afternoon Care: After lunch our Early Year and Preschool language classes switch with our Pre-K students. From 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM children under the age of 4 will have a designated rest period or nap time. Following nap time, a snack will be served. Then students will participate in outdoor and indoor free play.
Evening Care: This program runs daily from 4:00pm - 5:30pm for families who need to pick-up during that time frame.